What is contour plastic? The method involves injection of special agents, fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which helps to restore lost volume of different facial parts, correct wrinkles and unevenesses. Hyaluronic acid based fillers are widely considered as the best solution to the mentioned problems. The effect lasts for 8-18 months.
What kind of problems are usually solved by contour plastic?
after the intervention it is recommended to:
what are the contraindications?
What is botulinum toxin therapy?
Botulinum therapy is a non-surgical injection of botulinum type toxin A (botox) to correct facial contour and facial wrinkles. One may notice the effect of such injections starting from 2-10 days after the procedure. However, the maximal effect is achieved in 10-14 days. The procedure restores muscles ability to contract (for a period of 3-6 months).
What kind of problems does botulinum toxin solve?
it is usually applied to correct:
What are the contraindications?
How often can one apply to the method?
once in 3-6 months
Skin CO2 laser resurfacing treatment
What is skin CO2 laser resurfacing treatment about? It is a modern type of intervention, when high temperature, generated by CO2 laser, is used to resurface the skin.
What kind of problems are usually solved by CO2 laser resurfacing treatment?
after the procedure one should avoid:
after the procedure following phenomena are temporarily possible:
What are the contraindications?
How often can one apply to the procedure?
Once in 3 months. Course should include 2-5 sessions (depending on the problem addressed).
RF micro-needling is a hardware intervention, with a radio wave effect on the skin. As the result, a new type of collagen is produced within the middle layers of the skin.
What kind of problems are usually addressed by RD needling?
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
Once a month. The course involves 3 sessions. The course can be repeated only twice a year.
Fractional laser resurfacing results in renewal, in particular – stimulation of collagen production, in layers of the skin. The intervention is atraumatic, and usually is performed under local anesthesia. The rehabilitation period is short.
What kind of problems are usually addressed by laser M22 Resurfe FX?
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
Once a month. The course includes 3 sessions.
Due to high temperature intense light photo-pulses affect all layers of the skin. This has a potential to corrects the following problems:
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often the procedure can be applied to
In Helios skin non-surgical tightening is performed using APTOS and COG absorbable meso-threads. These mesothelium made threads coincide with the natural framework of skin making it possible to achieve desirable outlining of the face.
The effect of intervention lasts for 1-2 years.
LIQUID THREADs are innovative injectable in aesthetic medicine. They help to restore skin elasticity, correct wrinkles, and achieve lifting effect. Liquid threads are sterile biogels containing Zn, hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, polycaprolactone. The threads are used to address problems on the face, neck, and hands. All the substances, included in liquid threads, in one way or another contribute to the process of collagen and elastin production.
What kind of problems are usually solved by usage of liquid threads?
– fine and deep wrinkles
– pigmentation
– dry skin
– sagging skin
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often the procedure can be applied to
The effect lasts up to 2 years. The course consists of 3-5 sessions, one in a month. Local anesthesia is applied. The effect of the intervention starts to be noticeable 14 days after the procedure.
What is biorevitalization?
Biorevitalization is a method, where microinjections of special substances, based on hyaluronic acid, are applied. The procedure can be applied to any part of the face or body, including eyelids. However, most often it is applicable to address problems of face, neck, hands.
The overall procedure takes 40-60 minutes, and is done under local anesthesia
What kind of problems are usually addressed by biorevitalization?
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
Once in 3-4 weeks. The course usually includes 2-5 visits. The effect lasts from 6 months to a year.
Plasmolifting is an injection of one’s own (autologous) blood plasma to stimulate the body’s secret regenerative resources. This method is considered to be one with the lowest risk, since undesirable outcomes like allergy, or other side effects – like probability of outside infection -are excluded. The method has no age or gender restrictions. Duration of the procedure is about 40-60 minutes. Interventions are usually performed under local anesthesia,
What kind of problems does plasmolifting usually address?
Once the procedure is done, the consultation post-procedure is usually needed.
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
Form every 7 days to 1 month. The course on average consists of 4-6 sessions.
Mesotherapy is an injection procedure, which enriches skin layers with vitamins, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid. The intervention is usually performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 40-60 minutes.
What kind of problems are usually addressed by mesotherapy?
After the procedure consultation is needed.
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
Frequency of application depends on the problem addressed. The course on average includes 4-6 visits.
The method purposely irritates the skin, causing “damages’ in quite deep layers. This stimulates the synthesis of one’s own collagen.
The method is used to make skin smoother, as well as for the elasticity improvement. Duration of the procedure is about 60 minutes.
What kind of problems are usually addressed by dermapen?
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
Frequency of application 7-10 days apart. The course includes 5-6 visits.
Carboxytherapy is one of the methods of mesotherapy. The idea of the procedure is to inject carbon dioxide under the skin (fine needles are used) for blood circulation improvement. The intervention also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Duration of the procedure is about 15-30 minutes.
What kind of problems are usually addressed by carboxytherapy?
Skin deep cleansing is an atraumatic intervention, which includes skin washing with special substances (optimally chosen depending on the skin type of patient), toning, superficial exfoliation/peeling, mechanical and ultrasonic cleansing of enlarged pores – comedones, milia. Facial masks are also applied depending on the skin type of the client ( soothing the skin, closing enlarged pores, etc)
– enlarged pores
– comedones, milia
– oily or dry skin
Deep cleansing of the face can be done once a month, following the instructions of the specialist. After the procedure it is recommended to avoid using decorative cosmetics (for 1 day)
What is FACIAL CARE procedure about?
Facial care is a procedure including washing, toninning, and superficial exfoliation of the skin. Optimal, for the skin type, choices of facial masks and moisturizing creams are applied.
All the clients receive individual approach. Worldwide famous brands – French Sothys, Israeli Renew and Holy Land – products are used. Treatment process on average includes 4-6 stages. Duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes.
Following care types are available:
– moisturizing
– degreasing
– bleaching
– anti-pigmentation
– anti-aging, rejuvenating
Hydrafacial is the latest skin hydration technology. Intervention involves mechanical skin exchange procedure – dermabrasion, while saturating skin with the liquid rich in vitamins. Next stage includes a moisturizing and soothing mask, placed under the ultrasound rays. This hydrates dehydrated skin.
What kind of problems hydrafacial addresses:
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often the procedure can be applied to?
With a frequency of 3-4 weeks, apart. The course includes 3-5 visits.
What is Peeling?
Peeling is removal of dead skin cells. It gives the skin freshness, elasticity and youth. The procedure aims to: prevent skin aging, correct age-related cosmetic defects.
What kind of problems are usually addressed by peeling?
– acne and post acne: pits (atrophic, hypertrophic scars)
-elasticity loss
– fine wrinkles
-hyperpigmentation spots
-age related changes in skin
after the procedure it is recommended to:
How often can the procedure be done?
Depends on the type of skin and peeling.
PIGMENTATION is often occurring problem, caused by following:
As a result, the function of melanocytes within skin layers is disturbed. This leads to pigments, melanin production in larger volumes. According to dermatologists, more than 40% of people have this problem. Sunscreen protecting of the skin, starting from early an age seems to prevent the problem.
Also, hyperpigmentation often occurs during pregnancy or lactation. And as a result of inflammatory skin diseases (acne, rosacea, seborrhea, etc)
We offer all the methods approved by modern medicine to get rid of pigmentation. This includes:
What is Acne?
Acne is a chronic skin disorder, caused by sebaceous glands and propionibacterium. Acnes (papules, pustules, warts) usually appear during puberty period age, when transformations in the hormonal system lead to hypersecretion of sebaceous glands. As a result, sebaceous glands become clogged, which creates a favorable environment for bacterial reproduction.
What kinds of treatment are offered?
One should keep in mind that for acne treatment a systematic approach is required. This includes:
Trichology is a section of dermatology which deals with scalp and hair diagnosis. The diagnosis is made using a trichoscope ( one of latest achievements in the field). This allows for a high degree of precision in examination of causes leading to disorders in hair growth and scalp.
What kind of problems does trichology address?
-hair loss
– head inflammation (oil, redness)
– lack of hair nutrition ( may be manifested in brittle, dull, branching hair)
Solutions offered:
In Helios dermatoscopic test and diagnosis are available for any kind of unknown skin formations. Dermatoscopic tests are not invasive. They use the German Delta 30 device, which allows diagnosing malignant and benign formations. All the methods available in modern medicine to remove undesirable formations, are currently available in Helios too.
When is a dermatoscopic test recommended?
M22 ND-YAG correction
Neodioma is a laser, which enables coagulation of vessels and veins under the high temperature provided. As a result visible widened vessels are corrected.
After the procedure it is recommended:
How often can the procedure be applied?
1 to 3 visits. Doctor’s instruction is needed.
How does laser removal of tattoos work?
Laser radiation selectively affects the tattoo’s dye and destroys microscopic pigments found in the epidermal or dermal layers of the skin.
Intervention uses modern lasers of two different types:
Number of necessary visits depend on tattoo area, density, depth, as well as quality of pigments used.
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often can the procedure be applied?
With a break of 3-4 weeks. The course includes about 4-10 visits.
Scar removal
The scars may be divided into following groups:
Scars are caused by:
Steroid injection
What is PLEXR?
After the procedure it is recommended to use sunscreen creams and recovering lotions.
What is hardware body modeling?
Helios medical center offers both: manual and hardware methods for slimming. If you want to have a beautiful body with no excesses, then these methods are for you.
What kind of problems hardware body modeling addresses?
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often can the procedure be applied?
Frequency 3-4 times a week. Course includes 10 visits.
What is Lipolytic injection?
Lipolysis are fat (“lipo”) breaking (“lysis”) substances that are injected into layers of subcutaneous fat.
What kind of problems are addressed by lipolysis injection:
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often can the procedure be applied?
Frequency 15 days to one month. Number of sessions within the course is decided individually.
Aesthetic Gynecology
Intimate area skin rejuvenation and pigmentation elimination, Israeli Alma Soprano Pixel CO2 (FemiLift)
Facilitates skin:
Free consultation is given.
Duration of procedure 30 minutes.
Number of visits needed depends on the client’s personal particularities.
Laser generated energy facilitates:
As a result one gets:
Free consultation is given.
Duration of procedure 30 minutes.
Number of visits 3-4X, in between sessions 1 month break is needed.
Creates no impediments for the natural course of sexual life.
What is laser hair removal?
Diode laser hair removal currently is considered to be the most effective hair removal, of all the methods officially approved. Besides removing undesirable hair it also improves skin quality. The equipment used in Helios Medical Center has FDA certification, which assures: it’s reliable and safe.
Why is the diode laser hair removal method the most effective one?
Because it has:
Following devices are available:
Preparation to the procedure:
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often can the procedure be applied?
With a frequency of 30-40 days apart. The course includes 8-16 visits.
What is electroepilation?
Electroepilation, also known as needle hair removal, is the most effective type of hair removal, when heir is: thin, light coloured or discolored. In Helios we use the newest British STEREX disposable Teflon-covered needles. Advantages: exclusion of pain syndrome, allergic reaction, scars or burns. Local analgesia may be applied, depending on client personal preferences.
After the procedure it is recommended to:
How often can the procedure be applied?
Depends on individual characteristics of the client.