Why Us?

My mission

If you ask me once: "Dear Helios what your dreams look like?", I shall tell you about my mission. My value of permanent education and improvement is measured by the happiness you receive. My mission is to contemplate your beauty among the healthy people, and your health among the gorgeous ones. My approach to health and beauty from perception of the future is to relieve you of external restrictions. What I offer is a new form of existence, where any single hour you entrust me today is converted to two hours of your time tomorrow.
My goals​
Path of great achievements induces strong fascination. In my experience, the bigger scale I set for my goals, the more love I found. And all this love I am lovingly giving back to you.
Key objective
Be your best solution. Provide you with your best option. All the partnerships and educational projects are for the sake of your own health and beauty. The love, I provide you with, is out of the scope of common rethorics. My love is about the quest to be perfect, and about my tenderness.
Health goal
To preserve your body, since it is the only place you can live. The greatest gift I can offer to the world is you in your healthy state.
Business purpose
Righteous goals find fair resources. My purposes always found fair resources. Educational purpose I cannot be perfect, unless I help your improvement.
Social responsibility
My reputation is important to me. But conscience is the most important of all.

About myself

The sun is life. Never forget about life. However, mere existence is not enough. Because what we need is freedom and fulfillment of our dreams. Actually it was the dream of Helen Azaryan which once gave me a birth. Then, in 1993, when I was 15, living in Kuwait mainly dreamed about Armenia. The dream came true later on. In 2007 I established myself in the area of dermatology and aesthetic medicine, becoming a specialist unique in the kind.
In 2022, 15 years after the establishment, I re-estimated my mission and goals. Because now I was able to see my exact place outside of the cosmic hierarchy, at the same time realizing cosmic presence within myself. Such a perception has actually revolutionized the spatial measurement I had, giving birth to the one, where four elements of the nature now appear as:
  • water (dermatology, aesthetic medicine, aesthetic surgery)
  • air (clinical medicine)
  • fire (spa)
  • earth (podiatry).
  • The integrity of the four elements is - educational center.
Sun and you.
You are in "Helios".
Life with its daily worries, time with all its reefs - everything changes weight when we meet: you and I.
Words are not adequate to express present experience. The world is so beautiful, but also silent. This is why we are in need of art. As the feelings express themself by the means of art, so are the coincidences that bridge between us:
The joy
is having your body healthy and beautiful
The pleasure
is when you are cared for.
The trust
(confidence) comes when this care is fundamental and highly professional.
The courage
is permanently ready for taking a risk of innovative and creative approaches.
The freedom
stems out of the fact that there are no exceptional segments.

My Values

Today I stand up for these values,
tomorrow those values will protect me.
My basic values are:
Between you and me
there will always be:
social responsibilityը
In relationship
with colleagues I rely on:
0 K
0 +
years of experience
0 %

Happy customers



Our Team

I took my unique place in the healthcare system of Armenia

I stand in solidarity with like-mind organizations and I am always ready to cooperation

the best specialists are invited to work at the center

we are innovative in approaches

the devices are up-to-date and chosen based on scientific experience

treatment and care are aimed for long-lasting results

absolute sterile cleanliness is guaranteed

I will heal and take care of you from the tip of your toe, to the tip of your hair

it's always warm with me

In the blue, in the blue, the gold of the sun
Egishe Charenc

Beauty - full of health. You can beat the time with me. Be the best version of yourself. Leave the loss point and return to the transparency of dawn.
A wide selection of cutting-edge aesthetic medical and surgical services are provided by professional and constantly-educated specialists. Providing you with the gift of healthy beauty is my art.

  • Non-surgical contour correction/ fillers, botulinum therapy, absorbable and liquid threads/
  • Aesthetic surgery services/ blepharoplasty: surgical correction of eyelids, correction of protruded ears, correction of double chin/
  • Skin rejuvenation / machine and injection/
  • Body modeling / machine, manual and lypolytic injections/
  • Skin care
When your health shines...
The chain is golden, a chain of miracles has burst, look.

Health produces pleasure, like fire produces fever. However, the pleasure of being healthy seems so natural, that we take it for granted, and are never concerned with the jeopardies while waking up in the morning or going to bed at night. Yet anything can happen in this life. I intend to infect you with health and beauty - regardless of what happened to you, and in what condition you arrived to me. Trust me with your life. I am speaking about turning impossibilities into something possible.

  • Dermatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Neurology
  • Diagnostic laboratory
  • Ultrasound and duplex research
  • Aesthetic gynecology
Surrender to the sunshine...
That is the sun red and mature hanging as a bright fruit
Egishe Charenc

Running. Workplace. Hasty. Rappid. - Stop. Take a rest. Lie down. Stretched shadows of candle lights whisper. Essential oils crave your body. Give in to the scarlet play of flowers. The pleasure is yours. Live properly. Enjoying your life. Vibrating with the youth of body, thoughts, heart.

Your solar footprint...
The sea, fields, wind - all sing. Everything around is just a song, or whisper.
Egishe Charenc

Feet carry the body. They pass through fire with no murmur, they measure waters. Legs leave footprints, at the same time carrying traces and scars of the past roads or events. They deserve special care. I can endow them with new strength and charm. The strength and charm they had on the path of their first dream. Before taking their first step. We can get ready for a new path, feeling free and strong. Put your foot on the ground steadily. Stand unwaveringly, as you should. Follow the path of your dreams.

The Sun in your hands...

Hands are poetry and the elegance of your body. They produce no noise, only - gestures. Surely time takes its toll. However me, I also know what to do. Do I? Be with me and time is going to kiss your hands, while approaching you. Even more, it will surely notice how fresh your hands are, and the shine of your fingernails, so that before giving you a kiss, it will also bow. Seal the boldest alliances or contracts. Raise your hand boldly toward whatever your heart yerns for. Take the life you desire.

Just enjoy the pure scent of the sun...
Turn yourself into a sun. – Feel its taste. - Soosing...
Egishe Charenc

Every day is a chance to start over. You are the one who chooses a cheerful life. You are the one who decides to be healthy and beautiful. Now you know the door, where the clock of your future beauty is. Telling about myself I entered into details so that you could clarify what you should do to gain first-hand experience. Now you have the possibilities outlined: to be transparent as air, solid as earth, lifegiving as water, hot as fire, or harmoniously playful in transformation of these fundamental elements. Of all the impressive influences the heart, intellect and body are receptive to, attraction to the sun is the most natural one. Regardless of the weather, bring your sun out! In Helios the song of the sun is always bright.